Ready, set, grow: Pet-friendly houseplants

There's no denying that houseplants exploded in popularity during the pandemic. Understandably, since they enrich our homes, work wonders on mental health, clean the air we breathe—and make great backgrounds for video calls!😊

There’s just one thing: Some plants are harmful to pets.

Those impressive Monsteras and Philodendrons you liked on Instagram? The Devil’s Ivy and Zanzibar Gems you fell in love with on Pinterest? Steer clear. They’re toxic to cats and dogs!

This is not your garden variety list of houseplants

If you’re struggling to tell your poisonous plants apart from pet-friendly flora, we're here to nip your concerns in the bud—with a curated list of pet-safe indoor plants.

And because we're feeling a little ~extra~ today, our cherry-picked options have other remarkable qualities. ✨ Keep reading for all the deets.

10 beautiful and pet-friendly indoor plants

1. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

spider plant

  • They are eye-catching yet low-maintenance plants tolerant of most environments—perfect for beginners. 😉
  • From hanging baskets to shelves, and in the living room or bathroom, Spider Plants fit right in wherever you place them!
  • They absorb indoor pollutants like formaldehyde, xylene, benzene, and carbon monoxide.
  • Into Feng Shui? The long and sturdy leaves of this perennial symbolize stability in life.

2. Parlour Palm (Chamaedorea elegans)

Parlor Palm

  • These beauties bring tropical flair with their delicate and light-textured fronds.
  • Parlour Palms are unbelievably beginner-friendly: They are easy to care for and adapt to low light and chillier environments.
  • They grab attention but also visually soften areas around furniture, windows, and empty spaces.
  • Parlour Palms are natural dehumidifiers and rid indoor air of formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide.

3. Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)

Bosten Fern

  • This lush evergreen with sword-like fronds is so stylish!
  • It’s one of the best air-purifying indoor plants: It filters common pollutants like formaldehyde, toluene, cigarette smoke, and off-gassing.
  • The Boston Fern is a hardy houseplant that thrives indoors and doesn’t need much sunlight.
  • This pet-friendly plant also has sound-cancellation abilities and regulates indoor humidity levels!

4. Rattlesnake Plant (Calathea lancifolia)

Rattlesnake Plant

  • Multiple varieties of Calathea are non-toxic to cats and dogs! 🎊
  • The Rattlesnake Plant is visually striking.
  • It can remove toxins like formaldehyde and benzene from the air.
  • Calatheas need TLC, but a green thumb is not essential.

5. Purple Waffle Plant (Hemigraphis alternata)

Purple Waffle Plant

  • Rich foliage with unique, ripple-textured leaves makes this a pretty potted plant.
  • It’s low-effort and thrives year-round in terrariums, table pots, or hanging baskets.
  • Hemigraphis alternata has excellent air-purifying properties: It absorbs volatile organic compounds like benzene, hexane, xylene, trichloroethylene, and toluene.
  • This pet-friendly indoor plant is also safe around kids.

6. Money Tree (Pachira aquatica)

Money Tree

  • Money Trees bring chill tropical vibes with fun, braided stems and high-gloss leaves—even in bonsai form.
  • Pachiras are famously no-fuss: Easy to grow, resilient, and fine in low-light conditions.
  • Feng Shui experts say Money Trees bring luck and prosperity. 👏
  • Money Trees do a whole lotta good:1) They clean the air of airborne pollutants like carbon monoxide, benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene. 2) They can improve sleep quality and lower stress and anxiety.

7. Wax Plant (Hoya carnosa ‘krinkle kurl’)

Wax Plant

  • These picturesque vines have succulent-like leaves and bloom clusters of delightful star-shaped flowers!
  • Hoya plants filter impure air to release fresh, sweet oxygen.
  • They control humidity levels by releasing water vapour throughout the day.
  • Hoyas are safe to have around curious kitties.

8. Moth orchid (Phalaenopsis)

Moth Orchid

  • Orchids are elegant and graceful beauties that burst with colour.
  • Their delicate scent can lower stress levels and improve moods.
  • Phalaenopsis improve indoor air quality by removing harmful compounds like xylene and propylene glycol ethers found in common household cleaners and detergents (not in ours, though—PetLab products are all-natural).
  • This tender perennial uses transpiration to balance indoor humidity levels.

9. Jasmine (Jasminium species)


  • Jasmines are #aesthetic! They lend a serene and rustic charm to your home.
  • No special skills required: These vines are surprisingly easy to grow, adaptable, and tolerant under the right conditions.
  • Jasminiums clean indoor air and neutralize odours. Their sweet aroma can rival any chemical aerosol on the market!
  • Trouble sleeping? Jasmine flowers open up more at night and release a fragrance that can relieve insomnia.

10. Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis)

Lemon Balm Plant

  • This cheerful perennial is decorative and edible! 🌿
  • It grows year-round and survives indoors without too much effort.
  • Lemon balms can suppress airborne germs, moulds, and bacteria. Wow!
  • This herb is a natural air cleanser, freshener, and bug repellent: It releases a bright and light citrusy scent that successfully repels mosquitos, ants, and flies.

Want a houseplant that isn’t on this list? The ASPCA website will help you safely navigate your options.


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